year of the goat

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March 30, 2006 | Remembering Harvey Considine
Harvey Considine
Harvey Considine with some of his goats on his farm in Portage, Wisconsin in April 2004.
Yesterday we received the sad news that Harvey Considine, one of the important leaders in the dairy goat world for many decades, passed away. During our travels we had the pleasure and priviledge of meeting with Harvey at his home in Portage, Wisconsin, spending an afternoon with him talking about goats, family and farming. It was exciting to be in the presense of so much goat knowledge and experience. Harvey happily showed us around the farm, introduced us to some of his family's goats, showed us his fruit trees, which were his latest passion, and sent us on our way with some delicious cherries and a thimble he'd made from goat skin.
During our conversation we asked him to tell us what he loved about goats, and here is what he said: "I love dairy goats and always have. The number one thing I love about them is their milk. Number two is the fact that they are so personable. They come right up to you and they're just wonderful pets... As far as the personalities of the people that have them, they're independent thinkers. They have goats when other people don't think much of the animals. They're going to recognize their qualities: That they produce the finest milk, the finest meat, the finest leather, the finest fiber in the world. That's goats. But you've got to be a little independent thinker to think so..."

We pay tribute and say farewell to the contributions of one of the great independent thinkers of the goat world. Harvey will be missed by all. Our thoughts and well wishes go out to the Considine Family and the ADGA family for their loss.

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Our Book is Here!

The Year of the Goat

The Year of the Goat: 40,000 Miles and the Quest for the Perfect Cheese
The Lyons Press, Aug 2007
Book Tour Info

Globe Pequot
Barnes & Noble
Rabelais Books

And don't forget to write a review to win a t-shirt

YotG on
Public Radio!

In 2004 we made 4 appearances on the now sadly off the air, but then nationally syndicated PRI show, The Next Big Thing
Fortunately you can hear the shows in their archives:
1st show | 2nd show | 3rd show | 4th show

Miles Traveled: 41409
Next Stop: A farm of our own